DIY Floral Crown

Hands up if you love a floral crown? I do. I think it's the perfect little accessory for any Christmas party.

A few weeks ago you may remember I mentioned I went to the Laura Ashley Handmade Christmas Event where I met the lovely Nancy, a textile/print designer and blogger at she showed us how to create this gorgeous festive floral crown. A simple little tutorial bursting with charm, I just had to share it with you.

What you will need:
Bindwire, enough to wrap around your head plus a little extra
Fabric scraps cut into small circles roughly 5cm in width
Fabric leaves (on wire) 
Red and gold berries or gems (on wire)
Needle & cotton

Here's how:
To make the floral pom-poms, take a piece of fabric that you have cut into a small circle and fold it into quarters, add a couple of stitches at the base. Do the same for the next circle and add it to the first piece of fabric, fixing into place with a few stitches. Continue building up the layers of the pom-pom by adding three or four more pieces of fabric. To finish secure the stitches with a knot. Push a leaf on a wire through some of the stitches you have made ready to secure it to the crown.

To make the crown, take some bindwire (floristry wire wrapped in a brown paper) and wrap it around your head so it sits comfortably, twist the ends of the wire round to secure into shape. Next take your leaves, pom-poms and gems on wire and secure them onto the crown. 

Ready to go! Laura :)

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